Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, Say:
C.pipiens quinquefasciatus is one of the most common mosquitoes found in human habitations in the tropics and subtropics of the world. Females are intensely anthropophilic and feed actively only at night. Even in the laboratory females' bite only at night except when they have undergone a period of starvation. In Africa they are attracted to natives rather than to Europeans. Females lay from 2-4 rafts of eggs, usually at night but rarely in broad daylight.
Larvae are never found far from human habitations. They live in flooded, open cement drains, cesspools, latrines, shallow wells, ditches, ground pools, and in household storage water. In the lower Congo river Valley larvae are commonly found in poorly drained land surrounding villages. In India they commonly inhabit rice fields near villages and are especially common where rice is fertilized with green manure. Immature stages can adapt to a high degree of salinity and can easily survive in water with a PH of 5-10.
Mansonia (Mansonioides) annulifera, Theobald, 1901:
Almost noting is known about the binomics of M.annulifera adults. They are known to be strongly anthropophilic. The siphon of this and other Mansonia larvae is specially adapted for puncturing under water stems of aquatic plants. Larvae obtain oxygen for respiration from the air passages of these submerged plant tissues. Larvae are found mostly in ponds, pools, backwaters, and marshes that favor the growth of Pistia species and Eichhornia species.
Mansonia Indiana, Edwards:
Little is known of binomics of Mansonia Indiana adults. However, females are known to be strongly anthropophilic. Larvae have been found only in association with Pistia species.