An environmental awareness program titled “AWAKEN” for the school children of IICT ZM High School, studying IX and X class was organized on 24.10.2008 (Friday) at IICT, Hyderabad. This is one of the objectives under the category of Environmental educational program of the ENVIS Centre for Bioinformatics-Vector control at IICT Hyderabad, sponsored by MOEF, Govt of India
Speaking on the occasion and delivering his Welcome address Dr. J.S. Yadav, FNA, FTWAS, Director IICT Hyderabad stressed the need for everyone to respect the environment and to upkeep it for the next generations to come. Dr. Yadav said that the chemical industry is also in pursuit of giving green technologies to the industry thus minimizing the pollution levels in all aspects of drug manufacturing, agrochemicals and other allied chemistry based products needed for the day to day activities of human beings and for protection of plants, and animals. He said that the present day students are well aware of the role they have to play in protecting the environment and their role should never be underestimated. He also said that the water pollution in India is more due to the dye industry and went on record to, say that some of the dyes used in textiles and other allied industries are produced only in India and hence the serious problem. He wished the program all the success and said that it is a very good initiative undertaken by ENVIS Centre of IICT Hyderabad.
Addressing the gathering on the occasion the Coordinator of ENVIS Centre at IICT Dr. U.S.N. Murty, gave a brief outline about the program “AWA KEN” and its need to be conducted. Dr. Murty said that ENVIS which is sponsored by MOEF, Govt of India caters to the needs of the environmental aspects and as part of the Educational program as one of its objectives, it was quite essential to ignite the environmental awareness in the young minds of school children. He also said that the technical session to be held during the day would give lot of information to the students gathered and would make them more responsible to act as effective volunteers in safeguarding the environment.
The Chief Guest of the function Ms. Gayathri Ramachandran, IAS, former Director General of EPTRI and Former Principal Secretary, Government of A.P. lighted the lamp and delivered her inaugural address on the occasion.

Lightening of the lamp by the Dr.J.S.Yadav, FNA, TWAS Director, IICT on the inaugural of “AWAKEN” an Environmental awareness Program at IICT, Hyderabad. Also seen in the photograph are The Chief Guest, Ms. Gayathri Ramachandran, IAS, and Dr. U.S.N. Murty Coordinator ENVIS (Bioinformatics-Vector Control)
Ms. Gayathri Ramachandran expressed that this is one of the best ways to inculcate to the school children about the problems faced by the environment and the active role they have to play in up keeping it. Going back to her school days in New Delhi Ms.Gayathri Ramachandran reminded the school children present how her teachers imbibed the importance of having a strong commitment towards maintaining environment. She also narrated few examples of energy conservation programmes she undertook when she was heading the energy sector as part of her official commitment. Ms. Ramachandran reiterated to the children present that we will be running short of the fossil fuels and water if we exploit them at such an environment alarming pace, she wanted the students to take up the gauntlet and start the exercise to cut short the usage of water, electricity at their respective homes and schools.
She wished the one day seminar would be of great help in motivating the school children to act as soldiers in upkeep of the environment. She summed up her address by quoting the tamil poetess “Avvaiyar” by saying, what cannot be imbibed at the age of five may not be possible at the age of fifty. She complimented the Director, IICT-H and the Coordinator of ENVIS Centre IICT for coming up with such a nice and wonderful program.
Later in the day the technical session were held with 04 speakers addressing the students, two in the morning session and two in the afternoon session. Dr. N. Prasad, Senior Scientist, from SACON, Hyderabad gave a very illustrative talk on “Conservation of Wet lands in India” and stressed their need to be conserved for the upkeep of the ecology and protecting the fresh water bodies. He spoke in length about their importance and how they contribute to the rich biodiversity of our country. He also said that the wet lands are dwindling and this will give catastrophic results if immediate steps are not taken at war footing.
Speaking on a different topic Dr. P.N. Sarma, Deputy Director, and Head BEEC, IICT, Hyderabad delivered the talk on “Water Pollution and Waste Water Management” he said that though three quarters of earth is covered with water we are running short of potable water and in due course of time it will be very scarce if proper measures are not adopted. He spoke in detail about various ways with which water is polluted and cited a few examples of arsenic pollution in W. Bengal and fluoride pollution in Nalgonda District of A.P. which causes major impediments to the people who consume such contaminated water. Dr. Sarma also explained various methods employed by industries to abate pollution. He also had a word of caution that as per the reports available about the status of potable water available; our country is in the stress category which is not a healthy sign.
The afternoon session started with the lecture of Mr. Baquer of EPTRI, Hyderabad addressed the gathering on the topic entitled “Biodiversity of Eastern Ghats”. He highlighted about the rich flora and fauna available in Eastern Ghats and the immediate need to protect it and also brought out to the notice of all those present, about the status of endangered species and the species which would be extinct if proper care and attention is not given for maintenance of the Biodiversity in Eastern Ghats.
The last lecture of the technical session of “AWAKEN” was delivered by the IICT, ENVIS Coordinator Dr. U.S.N. Murty, addressing the topic “Environment and Diseases” he spoke in detail how the environment is degrading day by day and how it is escalating the state of the vector borne diseases like Malaria, Filariasis, Dengue, Chickengunya and Japanese encephalitis spread by different mosquito species.
Due to rapid industrialization and poor sanitary conditions prevailing in most of the developing countries the diseases are resurfacing with great potency and some of the diseases like Dengue and Chicken Gunya have spread their tentacles in the South East Asian countries and India due to man made breeding spots and unsanitary conditions rendered by the human dwellings.
Dr. Murty also addressed the students and the gathering about the environmental management aspects which emphasizes personal protection, house screening and use of bed nets, so as to minimize human vector contact. He also spoke about the methods used in Biological control of mosquito larvae particularly to control the Anopheles larvae by introducing Gambusia sps of fish in the breeding sites. The students were also told to keep the environment around their houses clean by eliminating water stagnation, and to employ personal protection by making use of the coils, insecticides, bed nets, and other products commercially available in the market.
After the technical session the students had a very healthy interaction with the speakers and raised a lot questions on the topics addressed during the day and received specific answers to their queries.
The one day programme ended with a “Vote of Thanks” proposed by K. Sriram of Biology Division, IICT Hyderabad.