Vb classif
VB Classif V1.0 (Dr. U. S.N. MURTY, Scientist, IICT, Hyderabad and Dr.V.Sree Hari Rao, Professor, JNTU, Hyderabad) Copyright Ref:10/CR/2006.

- VBClassif 1.0 is the culmination of the effort to develop a Novel Classification Tool for the control of Vector Borne Diseases.
- Robustness and high effectiveness
- High percentage of classification accuracy.
- The well known K-Nearest Neighbourhood (KNN) Algorithm could classify the test data achieving an accuracy of 51.9%, 82.4% and 42.3% with different sizes of train data.
- User friendliness.
- Applicability for other two-tier classification environments.
- VB Classif 1.0 can also be used in categorizing genes among the diseased and normal persons.
More about VB Classif V1.0